Major Mayhem - F.A.Q.
Please report bugs to so I can fix them!
Please e-mail our support team with any questions that remain after reading the F.A.Qs
PC and Mac - Common Issues
Q. My mouse cursor is laggy and unresponsive. This makes it hard to play. What can I do?
A1: Reducing the resolution of the game can help increase the mouse cursor responsiveness. This can be changed in the Graphics tab of the configuration window that appears when you launch Major Mayhem. If no configuration window appears on launch try holding down the option key when launching Major Mayhem.
A2: Reducing the graphical quality of the game can help increase the mouse cursor responsivness. This can be done in the settings menu within the game. The settings menu can be accessed from the main menu or the pause screen by clicking on the golden cog in the top right corner. Once in the settings menu you can then toggle the Quality setting by clicking the appropriate button.<br><br>This can also be changed in the Graphics tab of the configuration window that appears when you launch Major Mayhem. If no configuration window appears on launch try holding down the option key when launching Major Mayhem.
A3: Turn off the games crosshair to play with your operating systems mouse cursor. This can be done in the setting menu within the game. The settings menu can be accessed from the main menu or the pause screen by clicking on the golden cog in the top right corner. Once in the settings menu toggle the Crosshair option to Off.
Q: When I try to purchase coins or the Coin Mint nothing happens. What can I do?
A: If no Mac App Store confirm purchase prompt is shown or no Mac App Store login dialog is shown then try restarting the game in Windowed mode. If the Mac App Store prompts still do not appear then open the Mac App Store application first before trying again. It is possible that the prompts have appeared but are hidden behind the game window so try minimising the game.
Q: I have previously purchased the Coin Mint but have since deleted and reinstalled the game. Can I get it back without paying more money?
A: Yes! Simply log into the Mac App Store with the account you used to purchase the Coin Mint. Open the game and go to the Get Coins menu in the Armoury. Scroll to the bottom of the menu and click restore.
Q: I lose my progress when I restart the game or restart my computer. What can I do?
A: We are sorry if you are effected by this issue. We know about it and are trying our hardest to fix the problem. If you have this or any other issue and have not yet reported it to us please do so by e-mailing so we can make Major Mayhem the best game it can be!
Q: Mac OS says Major Mayhem is no longer supported. Why?
A: Apple updated their operating system and made 32bit apps not work anymore. We have removed the game from the Mac App Store and don't plan on updating it to 64bit. Sorry for the inconvenience.
PC and Mac Controls:
By default some controls in Major Mayhem are also bound to the keyboard to make it easier to play on laptops and similar devices. Below is a list that details the default control settings for Major Mayhem.
Right Mouse Click
Space Bar
Click 'Jump' on screen.
Left Mouse Click
Left Control
Click the pause button
PC and Mac Changing Controls:
Some controls can be changed by booting the game and selecting the Input tab on the initial configuration window. If no configuration window appears on launch try holding down the option key when launching Major Mayhem.
PC and Mac Graphics:
Graphics setting can be configured to make Major Mayhem look nicer or run faster on different hardware. Details about these settings are listed below as well as instructions about how to change them.
PC and Mac Graphics Quality:
The Graphics Quality setting determines level of effects the game displays while you are playing. The higher the quality the more effects are activated. As a result turning up the effects may slow down the frame rate and responsiveness of the game so please try a few settings and see what quality suits your hardware best.
Below is a list that shows you what effects get activated at the different quality levels.
Lens Flare
Lens Flare
Dynamic Lights
Colour Grading
Lens Flare
Dynamic Lights
Colour Grading
Depth of Field
Lens Flare
Dynamic Lights
Colour Grading
Depth of Field
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
You can change the graphics quality setting in the settings menu within the game. The settings menu can be accessed from the main menu or the pause screen by clicking on the golden cog in the top right corner. Once in the setting menu you can then toggle the Quality setting by clicking the appropriate button.
Graphics quality can also be changed in the Graphics tab of the configuration window that appears when you launch Major Mayhem. If no configuration window appears on launch try holding down the option key when launching Major Mayhem.
Anti Aliasing
When turned on Anti Aliasing or AA can improve the look of the game by smoothing the edges of objects on screen. By default AA is off because some hardware can have issues or run very slowly with it enabled but it can be turned on in the settings menu. The settings menu can be accessed from the main menu or the pause screen by clicking on the golden cog in the top right corner. Once in the setting menu you can then toggle on and off Anti Aliasing by clicking the appropriate button.
By default resolution is set to your computers resolution on your desktop. This generally gives the best looking result, however on very high resolution screens it can slow the game down especialy if the quality is set to Insane and Anti Aliasing is used. If you would like to have all the graphic effects activated but the performance drops we recommend you try decreasing the resolution of the game. The Game Resolution can be changed in the Graphics tab of the configuration window that appears when you launch Major Mayhem. If no configuration window appears on launch try holding down the option key when launching Major Mayhem.
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