Major Mayhem 2 - Change log
Please report bugs to so I can fix them!
Build 1.201.202202xxxx (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 05/02/2022
Maintenance update.
Fixed UI issues on new devices.
Fixed IAP related issues when app closed or crashed during a purchase.
Better Ads experience.
Optimisation for older devices.
Bug fixes.
Crash fixes.
Build 1.163.202103xxxx (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 18/03/2021
Maintenance update.
Bug fixes
Build 1.162.202101xxxx (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 26/01/2021
Maintenance update.
Bug fixes
Updating to latest SDKs for improved security and privacy of players.
(iOS) Added Sign in with Apple.
Build 1.160.2019xxxxxx (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 24/03/2019
Maintenance update.
Increased number of ad providers so that users in all regions get more consistent rewarded videos appearing.
Updated in app promotions to be less persistent and offer more consistent and better value to all users.
Fixed bug that could sometimes result in lost save games when updating the app or android OS.
Minor bug fixes.
Added new ways to share the app.
Fixed small number of enemies floating in mid air.
Android - Added install referrer permission to help us optimise our marking campaigns and grow our number of players.
Build 1.151.201903xxxx (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 24/03/2019
Store improvements update.
Bug Fixes
Android - Fixed back button behaviour when popups are on screen.
iOS - Fixed crash on start when connected to 4G/wifi when connected to facebook (only affected some users).
Build 1.150.20190313xx (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: TBA
Store improvements update.
New purchases available
Super Reward Cases can be purchased from the store that guarantee many more high level blueprints and contain a much higher number of coins.
Better more even blueprint distribution in all reward cases.
Increased chance of winning elite, epic and heroic blueprints from all cases.
New free bonus gems, energy and coin rewarded video ads available in the store.
Bug Fixes
Fixed background image of case opening rewards screen on iPad and other 4:3 devices.
Build 1.142.20190304xx (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 06/03/2019
Minor update!
Bug Fixes
Fixed crash introduced in build 1.140.x
Build 1.140.20190222xx (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 23/02/2019
Play as Mrs Mayhem Update!
New playable character, Mrs Mayhem.
New costumes for Major Mayhem.
Bug Fixes
Fixed costume menu not displaying correctly when graphics settings were set to low.
Fixed crash relating to facebook sign in.
Fixed bug where some save game data sometimes being lost when syncing on a new device.
Fixed costume menu not rendering correctly on lower graphics settings.
Minor bug fixes.
Build 1.131.20190105xx (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 05/01/2019
Mission Objectives fixes update.
Bug Fixes
Crashes introduced in 1.3.x
Fixed goals:
Crash a Vehicle
Earn 5000 combo damage
Earn 1000 combo multiplier
Other goals that accumulate over several missions had a chance to undo progress. That has been fixed for all goals.
Build size reduced back to normal size pre 1.3 update.
Build 1.13.20181220xx (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 20/12/2018
Mission Objectives update!
Added 150 mission objects that can be completed for free rewards.
Added XP and ranking system that tallies all your mayhem and gives free rewards.
Added XP multiplier for unlocked and upgraded weapons.
Added Santa Costume for the holiday season.
Reduced energy cost for playing later missions for the first time, was 2 is now 1.
Added a new bonus ad view to reward cases to earn bonus blueprints and bonus gems for free!
Bug Fixes
Fixed an ad bug that resulted in interstitial ads being displayed way more often than intended. You should not see these ads every level anymore.
Fixed bug where some weapons were far less likely than others of the same tier.
Fixed bug where you could win the same type of blueprint more than once from a single reward case.
Fixed bug where double rewards ad option was not being offered at all.
Many more minor bug fixes.
Fixed bug where case opening was not sped up when tapping.
Build 1.12.201810xxxx (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 25/10/2018
Costumes update!
Added costumes to you can unlock with coins for the Major. More coming in future updates.
Build 1.11.201810xxxx (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 15/10/2018
Bug fix update
Added skip button to final cut scene if you have already watched it before.
Boosted Heroic, Epic and Elite case chance.
Added help tips to unlock-able weapon attributes.
Added Languages: Spanish (Latin America), Portuguese (Brazil)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed lava sound not muting when audio sound effects are muted.
- Fixed purchase descriptions not updating when language is changed.
- Fixed bow aiming. Arrows should no longer hit walls next to enemies.
- Crash fixes.
- Fixed bug where two special offers can appear at once and break the UI.
- Fixed crash during load that could result in lost save data.
- Fixed untranslated text in the store menu.
Build 1.10.20180914xx (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 17/09/2018
Language update
New Language Support
- French (Français)
- Italian (Italiano)
- Spanish (Español) (Spain)
- German (Deutsch)
- The game should detect your default device language but if you prefer to use a different one you can change the language in the game's settings menu.
Balanced combo timer extension when intercepting rockets so that infinite combos are not possible.
Increased armour drop in survival mode from a max of 1 per level to a max of 2 per level.
Removed 'beta' from survival mode.
Removed survival mode feedback button. Thanks to everyone for all the feedback. We will be adding another chance to provide feedback for other features in the future.
UI optimisations. Should make gameplay run a little faster/smoother.
Physics optimisations. Should result in less frame drops when enemies spawn and die.
Bug fixes
Fixed trees you could shoot through in some Jungle levels.
Fixed moon briefing alarm sound.
Fixed crash if you abort the moon briefing.
Fixed rail signal bell sound.
Fixed enemies popping onto the screen for a single frame when they spawn.
Fixed rocket launch sound not muted when sound effects are off.
Fixed jump buttons appearing sometimes when you cannot jump.
Fixed bug where resettings survival mode after death results in winning completion prize.
Build 1.09.20180823xx (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 21 August 2018
Bug fix update
Added offline Survival. Your high score will now be saved locally and uploaded the next time you connect to the internet.
Note that for this to work you need to have been signed in and online at some point during the day before then playing offline. You also need to sign in to submit the score before the end of the day's play.​
Hostage armour drop chance increased in survival mode.
Run'n'Gun difficulty decreased slightly in survival mode.
Added super weekend prizes. Bigger prizes and prizes for more people on Saturday's and Sunday's!
Added Android 'adaptive icon'
Added live Survival prize target scores that display on the Survival Menu.
Removed Ad mediation. We now only serve Unity Ads and Google Ads.
Reduces maintenance for faster development of updates.
Reduces data usage.
Reduces build size.
Increased device compatibility.
Reduced crashes and errors.
Bug fixes
Fixed all instances of jump buttons not showing up.
Fixed coins from survival challenge getting stuck in front of blueprint popup.
Android - Fixed wrong Icon on some Android devices.
Android - Fix crash 64bit devices when watching Ads.​
Fixed spelling error on Survival Screen.
Fixed Hero armour not staying on between levels after picking it up from a hostage in Survival mode.
Fixed bug where two levels would be the same in survival mode.
Build 1.08.20180808xx (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 6 August 2018
New game mode Update!
Added survival mode beta.
Random selection of levels each day.
No revives allowed.
Hostages drop armour.
Highest score wins.​​
Compete against players on a leaderboard each day to earn extra rewards.​
Complete the survival daily challenge to earn rewards.
Added ability to send us feedback emails from in game. This is to help us hear from you so we can deliver the game and features you want!
Android 64 bit support. This should boost performance on Android phones that have a 64bit CPU architecture.
Changed the jump button to an icon and added it to the lefthand side of the screen!
Bug Fixes
Minor bug fixes.
Fixed crash bug on T-Rex boss.
Fixed crash on vehicle chase in Jungle03.
Fixed broken shader on tally screen medals resulting i pink medals or a crash on some devices.
Fixed Jump zone at the end of Ocean09.
Fixed jump zone at the start of AlpineRail06.
Added jump zone in Moon05 so you can dodge incoming fire.
Fixed jump zone in Moon06.
Fixed Rocket Base Boss being able to hurt you before cover point.
Fixed 'You are Here' tag sometimes not showing on the map.
Fixed Major sometimes not landing on chopper at then end of the level.
Fixed grenade trails. They no longer spawn from the ground.
Other Changes​
Changed app name on home screens and app menus to 'Mayhem 2' to avoid Major Mayhem 2 being cut off on some devices becoming 'Major Mayh..'.
Tweaked reload so the player cannot interrupt and restart reloading when you have zero ammo.
Build (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 18 July 2018
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash introduced in 1.07.20180713xx
Build 1.07.20180713xx (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 12 July 2018
Bug Fixes
Android - Fix, back button no longer exits the game during play, it only pauses and un-pauses.
Android - Fix, back button no longer dismisses tutorial popups at the same time as pausing the game.
Android - Notifications bug fix that may have crashed some devices.
Fixed game not pausing when app goes to background.
Fixed currency symbols other than $ not appearing in the store.
Fixed levels not remaining unlocked when purchased and then app immediately closed.
Fixed Level 29, Major no longer gets stuck if chopper is shot down before the end of the running section.
Fixed repeating sound effects not playing.
Fixed scrolling flames background animation on podium.
Other Changes​
Android - Updated Icon.
Reduced interstitial ad frequency when never viewing rewarded ads or making a purchase.
Build 1.06.x (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 5th July 2018
Performance Improvements
- 10-20Mb reduction in apk size for most Android devices.
- Slightly faster loading times on Android devices.
Bug Fixes
Fixed audio bug let some sounds play when sound was mute in settings.
Crash fixes.
higher tier cases still appear when all higher tier blueprints have been earned. Higher tier blueprints will not be earned but more blueprints and coins still makes it worth unlocking.
Fixed sound effect bugs with the final boss's big laser cannons.
Added scoring potential on level 37 so that it's easier to earn 3 stars.
Added scoring potential on the final boss (level 50) so that it's easier to earn 3 stars.
Fixed stuttering scrolling animations on some objects.
Other minor fixes.
Other Changes
Added mayhem coins earned when all your case slots are full so mayhem earned on missions is not waisted!
Added AdMod and AdColony ads into advertising mix which should result in more rewarded video ads being available more consistently and in more regions around the world for people to view if they choose.
Added daily free special offers, gems, coins or a case everyday for free!
New store icons for gems and coins to better illustrate their value.
Build 1.05.x (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 10th June 2018
Bug fix update.
Performance Improvements
Fixed audio bug that reduced performance in some levels
Fixed audio bug that reduced performance over time
Reduced memory footprint when running. This should reduce crashes on devices with less RAM
Reduced the size of the app by roughly 10%
Bug Fixes
Fixed M4 Elite grenade launcher
Fixed Double Dreads
Fixed minor Major animation bugs
Build 1.04.x (Android and iOS)
Rollout Date: 1st June 2018
Stability and Performance update.
Performance Improvements
Improved app performance across the board
Reduced power consumption for improved battery life
Improved frame-rate for more reliable controls
Fixed bug that resulted in frame rate slowly reducing over time
More performance improvements will continue to be made in future updates
Major Bug Fixes and Stability Improvements
Fixed crash when opening reward case after all available standard guns are maxed
Fixed low graphics setting bug that reduced the screen size
Fixed cloud save syncing issues that resulted in lost cases
Fixed cloud save syncing issue that resulted in lost stars for levels
Fixed cloud changing accounts issues that could result in lost data
Fixed case and energy timers restarting after resuming the app
Fixed case and energy timers restarting when watching ads
Fixed many crashes and other errors resulting in strange bugs throughout the game
Fixed bug in daily blueprints store so un owned guns also appear
Additional Changes
Increased headshot damage to alive enemies
Boost to coins from reward cases
Reduced enemy health in early levels
Reduced enemy bullet speed in early levels
Slight increase to all pistol ammo
Slight reduction in weapon recoil resulting in more accurate shooting
Added 'Restore Account' button to store so people that have made a purchase but have not logged in with facebook can recover their account as long as they are on the same device they made the purchase with
Added privacy policy link in the settings menu for easy viewing
Reduced maximum Mayhem required for cases to be earned
Reduced increment of Mayhem required for cases to be earned
Minor Bug Fixes
Fixed invisible rewards from hostages
Fixed level pathing issues that could result in the major getting stuck
Slight reduction in the cost of assembling and upgrading weapons
Fixed some sound effects not being muted when mute is enabled
Fixed special offers so more than 2 appear over the lifetime of the game
Fixed bug that resulted in no forced ads appearing
Forced ads disappear if an in app purchase has ever been made
Forced ads disappear for a while when a rewarded ad is viewed
Please report all bugs to
Thank you for playing!